In ORCHESTRA input files you an use (nested) loops to vary the value of input variables:
Var: pH Default: 7 Sweep: 11 Swept: pH 2 12 lin }
- The loop starts with “Sweep: <number>” and ends with “}”
- Each variable that is varied in this loop “Swept: <name> <start> <end> <lin/log>”
- Loop variables need to be defined in the “Var:” line before the loop
- Each Sweep: can contain any number Swept variables and/or (sub) Sweeps.
Var: pH pe Ca+2.con Default: 7 7 1e-3 Sweep: 11 Swept: pH 2 12 lin Swept: pe 12 2 lin Sweep: 6 Swept: Ca+2.con 1e-7 1e-2 log } }