// ORCHESTRA implementation of the 2SPNE SC/CE surface complexation model by Bradbury and Baeyens,
// as described in:
// Sorption of Eu(III)/Cm(III) on Ca-montmorillonite and Na-illite. Part 2:Surface complexation modelling
// Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 69, No. 23, pp. 5403–5412, 2005
// doi:10.1016/j.gca.2005.06.031
// Hans Meeussen, January 2018
The complete database file can be found: here
A complete self-contained ORCHESTRA example folder can be downloaded: here
//——– The aqueous Eu species used: ——–
@species(Eu+3, 3)
@species(EuOH+2, 2)
@logKreaction(EuOH+2, -7.2, 1.0, Eu+3, -1.0, H+, 1.0, H2O)
@species(Eu[OH]2+, 1)
@logKreaction(Eu[OH]2+, -15.1, 1.0, Eu+3, -2.0, H+, 2.0, H2O)
@species(Eu[OH]3, 0)
@logKreaction(Eu[OH]3, -26.2, 1.0, Eu+3, -3.0, H+, 3.0, H2O)
//——– The adsorption model ——–
// First we define the the “BB_surface” class, which basically is just a phase.
// There are no electrostatic or other model equations involved in this model
// The definition below should be uncommented and placed in the input (chemistry) file
// @Class: BB_surface(name, parent_phase ,concentration){
// @phase(<name>, <parent_phase>, <concentration>)
// }
//——– Define a default “particle” phase, which can be changed in the GUI ——–
// define the components of the BB_montm model
// modelname, parent particle, kg/kg, modeltype
@adsmodel(BB_montm, part , 1, BB_surface)
//——– Three surface sites with individual site densities (mol/kg) ——–
@surfsite(BB_montm, sOH, 2e-3, 1)
@surfsite(BB_montm, w1OH, 4e-2, 1)
@surfsite(BB_montm, w2OH, 4e-2, 1)
//——– The site protonation reactions ——–
@surfspecies(BB_montm, sOH, sOH2+, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_sOH2+, 4.5, 1.0, BB_montm_sOH, 1.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, sOH, sO-, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_sO-, -7.9, 1.0, BB_montm_sOH, -1.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, w1OH, w1OH2+, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_w1OH2+, 4.5, 1.0, BB_montm_w1OH, 1.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, w1OH, w1O-, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_w1O-, -7.9, 1.0, BB_montm_w1OH, -1.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, w2OH, w2OH2+, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_w2OH2+, 6.0, 1.0, BB_montm_w2OH, 1.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, w2OH, w2O-, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_w2O-, -10.5, 1.0, BB_montm_w2OH, -1.0, H+)
//——– The adsorbed EU species ——–
@surfspecies(BB_montm, sOH, sO-EU, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_sO-EU, 0.6, 1.0, BB_montm_sOH, 1.0, Eu+3, -1.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, sOH, sO-EUOH, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_sO-EUOH, -6.2, 1.0, BB_montm_sOH, 1.0, Eu+3, -2.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, sOH, sO-EU[OH]2, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_sO-EU[OH]2, -14.2, 1.0, BB_montm_sOH, 1.0, Eu+3, -3.0, H+)
@surfspecies(BB_montm, w1OH, w1O-EU, 1)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_montm_w1O-EU, -1.4, 1.0, BB_montm_w1OH, 1.0, Eu+3, -1.0, H+)
//The CEC part according to the Gaines and Thomas convention:
// @Class: GT_surface(name, parent_phase ,concentration){
// @phase(<name>, <parent_phase>, <concentration>)
// }
//********* Adsorption Model BB_CEC *******************
@adsmodel(BB_CEC, clay ,1, GT_surface)
@surfsite(BB_CEC, X, 0.87, 0)
@surfspecies(BB_CEC, X, X2-Ca, 0.5)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_CEC_X2-Ca, 0.0 , 2.0, BB_CEC_X, 1.0, Ca+2)
@surfspecies(BB_CEC, X, X3-Eu, 0.333333)
@logKsurfreaction(BB_CEC_X3-Eu, 1.114, 3.0, BB_CEC_X, 1.0, Eu+3)
//********* End of Adsorption Model BB_CEC *************