

  • The first version of ORCHESTRA was developed at the Macaulay Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 1995-2000.
  • During  2001-2002  development was continued at  AlterraWageningen University and Research Center, The Netherlands.
  • From 2002-2010 at the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, (ECN).
  • From September 2010, development is being continued at the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, (NRG) , Petten, The Netherlands.


  • The following people have contributed significantly to the development and testing of ORCHESTRA: Willem van Riemsdijk, Wendy van Beinum, David Kinniburgh, David Lumsdon, Jeanine GeelhoedJeroen Filius, Vincent Meeussen, Ed Paterson, Nelleke Domburg, Joris Dijkstra, Li Ping Weng, David Parkhurst, Thomas Schroeder, Jos Vink, David Kosson, Hans van der Sloot, Sohini Sarkar, Josh Arnold, Kevin Brown, Gijsbert Cirkel, Chen Gruber.