The alkalinity of a solution is defined as the amount of acid required to bring this solution to a pH of 4.5.
ORCHESTRA does not include alkalinity calculations by default, however it is straightforward to include these in the chemistry input file by explicity defining an “alkalinity” variable and accompanying expression:
@Var: alkalinity 0 @Calc: (5, "alkalinity = {OH-.con} + 2 * {CO3-2.con} + {HCO3-.con}")
- Each variable has to be defined with a default value (in this case 0)
- The number 5 in the expression indicates that this calculation will be performed during stage 5, which is at the end of all calculations, when all species concentrations are known.
- The {curly brackets} around the variable names are necessary for names that contain characters such as “- .”
In the output file you can simply put the “alkalinity” variable in the row of variable names, re-run and you will get the required output.